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about ETAF's inspiration

In preparing this web site, ETAF Staff has been smitten by a muse, albeit a modern day museElectricka, Muse Of the WorldWide Web©.

Electricka has inspired (and driven) ETAF to create this site. (She's a muse, isn't she? That's her job). Because of that, we've ceded this site to her. Once upon a time we thought we ran it; now we realize that she not only "owns" the site lock, stock, and barrel, she runs it, too. We just work here.

Even though Electricka has taken us over, we still care; we haven't lost our enthusiasm. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the fruits of our labors.

On Electricka's behalf, we'd like to say that Electricka is a young muse and is only now beginning to gather her powers around her. She's still learning. Please show her the tolerance, understanding, and respect she deserves, despite her foibles and failures. Not that we're making excuses for her, you understand, but...

About ETAF's Finances

When DCI, a for-profit corporation, set out to undertake a formal effort to assist Electricka, the dangers posed by a dual mission were recognized. To ensure that a focus on the arts would receive the full attention it deserves, DCI positioned Exploring The Arts Foundation (ETAF) as a semi-independent organization whose exclusive mission is to do Electricka's bidding:

  • In order for DCI to achieve its financial goals, DCI requires that ETAF be self-supporting. DCI expects ETAF to recover its operating expenses in full.
  • This kind of financial requirement can be a tough haul. Organizations that foster the arts do not always recover their full expenses. Ultimately, ETAF must depend on visitor contributions for its survival.

If ETAF is to continue to maintain the high standards set for it by Electricka, it needs your help. If you wish to continue to enjoy and participate in ETAF's offerings, ETAF must receive your aid.

  • See how you can thank ETAF for what it may have contributed to you and the Arts. Visit the page called Help the Arts: click here.


As you explore these pages, please keep in mind that Electricka.com is new. We provide a fledgling service which we hope will blossom into a significant undertaking.

Consequently, we:

  • Change our look often
  • Alter, add, or drop features as we discover how to be better at what we're doing.
  • Occasionally leave temporary dead ends at pages where work is in progress.

Please forgive us our trespasses. Come back often to see where we are and glimpse where we're going. We need your participation, understanding, and support.

how to Contact Us

We invite and welcome you comments.

  • See a complete list of Electricka's URLs and email addresses: click here.
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