electricka's product Lines
Electricka is pleased to offer the arts-related product lines shown
on this page. For more information about any of these product lines, click the name of
the product line you're interested in.
Software Products
Electricka's software products are apps for
your home or laptop computer, eBook reader, or other device that
ETAF has specifically developed with Electricka's
visitors in mind. All are for and
about the arts; many are aimed directly at art lovers; others are about
Electricka, her muses, and her web site. All are supported by ETAF and can be purchased
and downloaded from
or through Electricka's web site.
- Visit the ETAF About Software Products page to learn more:
click here.
The ETAF-Amazon Collection
The ETAF-Amazon Association is a business
affiliation between
Electricka an Amazon, the giant online retailer. Electricka has
established this relationship to facilitate her visitors' acquisition
of arts-related and other kinds of merchandise and at the same time to
further her objectives in the arts. Now, through the
Association, Electricka's visitors can easily and economically acquire
quality books, music, movies, posters, reproductions, and many other fine
arts resources and add them to their personal or business collections.
Visit the ETAF Amazon Association page to learn more.
- Click the words About The Collection in the
ETAF-Amazon icon at the right side of this page or
click here.
Electricka's Theme Products Shop
Electricka's themes are symbols that express one or more of the
arts-related ideas, images, or subjects treated at
Electricka's web site. They convey the essence of what The Muses have to
say about art, life, and the world.
Electricka's Theme Products are personal items
you can buy at Electricka's Theme Products Shop—such as Electricka's image on a T-shirt—that proudly state
what you, art, Electricka, and her muses stand for. Each of Electricka's theme products is decorated with themes and images
inspired by Electricka's web site.
Visit Electricka's Theme Products Shop to learn more.
- Click the shopping bag in the Electricka's Theme Products
Shop icon at the right side of this page or:
Collectorz databases are a user-friendly family of programs for
your personal computer that allow you to catalog your collections of
books, movies, music, comics, MP3 files, photos, and electronic
games. Some databases are available as CLZ apps for your iPhone and
iPod Touch.
These database programs make it easy and efficient for almost
anyone to store and retrieve all sorts of data and information about
the holdings in their collections, whether they're arts-related
records or other kinds of
recorded materials. With them you can keep track of what you own,
borrow, or loan, and look up what you want to know about your CDs,
DVDs, LPs, audio and video cassettes, books and other printed
materials, or about contents.
Electricka's staff use these programs to help manage her web
site. She has chosen to bring them to your attention because she
believes that many of her visitors are in a position to enjoy the
same kinds of benefits as they do.
These database products put information about your collections at
your fingertips. You may be surprised to find that managing your
holdings with them can actually be fun.
- Visit the Collectorz Database Products page to learn more:
click here.
Additions and changes to Electricka's
product lineup
You can ask
to be automatically notified when a new ETAF product or product line becomes available by signing up to receive
Electricka's Newsletter or her product announcements. No
strings attached!
—tip— Want to be automatically
notified about products?Sign up for product announcements now
at Electricka's Email Center. No one will contact you.
no cost software downloads
ETAF is pleased to offer you a selection of no-cost arts-related items
you can download and run on your home or laptop computer or other device. Among these items are writing
aids, reference works, documents, white papers, slide shows, and programs.
- Visit Electricka's page called No-Cost Downloads From ETAF to download
these files: click here.
clarity services
In addition to products, ETAF offers a number of documentation services
to anyone writing or publishing a traditional paper or electronic document for private or public
publication. This suite of services is called Clarity Services.
- Visit Electricka's Clarity Services page to see what these
documentation services can do for you:
click here.
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its contents are copyrighted by
Decision Consulting Incorporated (DCI).
All rights reserved.
You may reproduce this page for your personal
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