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about voting for proposed muse names
Interested in helping Electricka and her visitors pick the future
names of her sic cohort muses?
Vote for the candidates you like best!! Here's how.
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Mythology |
Where and how to vote
Voting takes place at the page called Electricka's Name That Muse Polling
Booth. Voting is a simple process very much like voting in a national or
state election, but much simpler and faster.
At the Polling Booth:
- Everything you need to know in order to vote is explained.
- You cast your votes.
- You vote for one muse name per muse, up to six muses.
- You can return any number of times to vote; you don't have to vote for
all muses at once.
- You can track voting results as the votes from all visitors are
—navigation— Ready to
track voting results while the votes come in
Votes are tallied and published while the voting progresses, as the votes
come in. You don't have to send in a muse name or vote to follow
the election results. Return to the Polling Booth again and again to discover which muse names are leading or
trailing and which ones are finally selected.
—tip— Follow along as the votes come
A few suggestions before you take the plunge
All visitors have a vote. As a visitor to Electricka's web site, you're
automatically able to vote for the muse names you like—one
vote for each of Electricka's cohort muses.
Before you cast that precious vote, as you ponder the muse names that are
up for election, picture how each one makes you feel. Here are a few things to think about
before you take the plunge.
On the mental and emotional side, does a particular muse name:
- Grab your attention, wake you up; or does it lull you to sleep.
- Seem unique, interesting, or special?
- Make you want to get to know more about the muse and the art it
represents, to rush ahead, to learn, to explore?
- Open you to new ideas and make you happy or
pleased to accept its artful guidance? Is it a Dante's Virgil or a Dickens'
- Seem to suit the art form that the muse represents?
- Instill the kind of positive feelings you might have toward a mentor, friend, good companion, ally, and guide?
Or is it a mean-spirited teacher, critic, or implacable enemy? Does it open
you up to new ideas or close you down?
On the physical side, does a particular muse name:
- Evoke the image of a person or thing that's as clear and firm as
concrete or as abstract and thin as air?
- Project male, female, or neutral qualities?
- Provoke a surge
of mental or emotional strength and vigor, one that causes your pulse to
pound and your blood to rush to your head? Or does
it conjure your tender, softer, cuddly, feminine, relaxed side?
- Suit a muse who is as heavy as a Mack truck, as light as a feather; or
is it a perfect in-between?
- Does the name seem to fit a muse who's tall, short, thin, wide, gangly?
Beautiful, comely, homely?
Which of all of the above attributes are best for the art that the muse
represents? What additional qualities do you think are important
for the cohort muse whose name is being chosen? Do you think the proposed
name you are considering conveys these qualities?
- You decide what's important.
- You decide which name fits best.
then vote.