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name that muse—How it works, step by step
In Name That Muse, Electricka invites you to send her your ideas for
the kind of muse names people will never forget and to vote for the names
you like best. Here's
how Name That Muse works, step-by-step.
Film |
Fine Arts |
Language Arts |
Literature |
Music |
Mythology |
Submitting a muse name
You send Electricka a form containing the muse name you're submitting.
- When you send Electricka a Muse Name
Submission Form, she sends you a return email
that confirms your submission.
- Electricka's staff edits your form for correctness and makes minor
changes or deletions for clarity and suitability, if needed.
- Your submission is rejected if it does not meet Electricka's high
standards for decency and suitability.
- Your muse name submission is posted in the
That Muse Submissions page along with muse name submissions from other visitors.
- Allow up to 72 hours or more for processing before your
submission is posted.
- All information on your submission form will be published, except as
- Electricka will publish (or refrain from publishing) your name or email address, according to the directions you provided on your
submission form.
- Your comments will be published if appropriate.
Voting process
- Electricka monitors submitted muse names. When she believes that a
quorum of proposed muse names is achieved for a specific muse, she chooses
several proposed muse names for that muse and starts an election.
- Electricka announces the election at the page called
Electricka's Name That
Muse Polling Booth.
- Visitors vote online for their favorite muse names at the page called
Electricka's Name That
Muse Polling Booth.
- there are six cohort muses and, therefore, six elections. A visitor may
vote in any number of these elections, from one to six.
- A different vote takes place for each muse.
- Voting results are tallied and published as the votes come in.
- Voting ends when Electricka decides that the votes accumulated up to
that time accurately reflect visitor preferences.
voting rules
- All visitors can send in proposed muse names or vote.
- A visitor votes once for each muse. One muse, one muse name, one visitor, one vote.
- All visitors can return to the
Electricka's Name That
Muse Polling Booth page and see the vote count
changing as
votes are tallied.
- Visitors do not have to send in proposed muse names or vote to be
eligible to see votes as they are tallied.
- Visitors who are members of Electricka's Forums enjoy the chance to debate and discuss the proposed muse names
at the Name That Muse Discussion Group at Electricka's Forums. They can root
or hiss while the votes
come in and tensions mount.
- Visitors who are not members of Electricka's Forums cannot participate
in discussions at the Name That Muse discussion group.
follow up
- Electricka publishes the voting results at the Name That Muse
- Since a viable muse name must satisfy many criteria in addition to
visitor vote count, the muse name with the largest vote count will not
necessarily be the one chosen. When selecting a muse name, Electricka will weigh
voting results heavily but vote count will not be the only factor in her
- Electricka can declare the entire vote void and hold a new vote for a
muse name at any time.
- Electricka has the final say on the choice of muse name.
- If your submission is selected for a vote or if it wins, all information on your submission form will be published, except as
- Electricka will publish (or refrain from publishing) your name or email address, according to the directions you provided on your
submission form.
- Your comments will be published if relevant and appropriate.
- Electricka will publish the name she has chosen for a muse at the Name
That Muse feature.
About name that muse Thank-you gifts
Electricka wishes to express her heartfelt appreciation and thanks in
advance to all visitors who send in proposed muse names, who vote. She also
thanks those who just follow the proposed muse name submission process or
the muse name voting process, whether or not they submit a muse name or vote
for a muse name.
there's a special thank-you waiting for those of you who submit a
proposed muse name or who vote:
- Visitors
who submit a proposed name that Electricka chooses to put to a vote by
visitors receive gifts of appreciation from Electricka.
- Visitors who submit a muse name that wins a visitor vote receive an even nicer
thank-you gift.
If there's a tie or if the vote is close,
Electricka will award duplicate thank-you gifts.
How you redeem your thank-you gifts:
- Electricka will use the email address you supply in your Name That Muse
form to notify you that your muse name submission has been chosen for a
vote or that your muse name submission has been selected as the name of one
of Electricka's muses.
- Electricka's email will ask you to send Electricka your post office
mailing address by return email.
- Electricka will send your magnet and bookmark to your post office
mailing address by surface mail.
- Electricka will send your mug directly to you from her theme Products Online
Store by surface mail.
Keep up with what's
Name That Muse action and updates take place at the Name That Muse feature and
at the Name That Muse Discussion Group at Electricka's Forums.
Visit these locations periodically to:
- See your posted muse name submission.
- See if Electricka picks your name for a vote.
- See when voting for a muse name begins.
- Discuss proposed muse names and other Name That Muse issues.
- Vote.
- Keep track of voting results as they're tallied.
- See if your muse name is picked by voters.
- See if you've won a thank-you gift.