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This web site runs on a web server at a web hosting service
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- Our policy is not to tolerate unauthorized release of
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- We take all reasonable precautions against infringement of our
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intrusion security—Visitors who open or download files
please take
—warning— hackers and Unwanted marketeers Some web sites
cited on pages of Electricka's web site may name pages at other web sites.
Some links on pages of Electricka's web site may open pages at other web
sites if clicked.
It is unlikely (but possible) that these pages at other web sites may attempt to download marketing software to your computer. They may also try to damage, obtain private information from, or deny
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recommends that you take appropriate measures to protect yourself and your
computer from unwanted intrusions like these before visiting any web site
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other web site from Electricka's web site.
Sound Internet practice dictates that you should always protect
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security due to the accidental or deliberate release of Personal
- Visitors are solely responsible for the content and security of
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- By submitting their own personal information to this web site or by
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security of information and commercial transactions
—warning— information
content and commercial transactions at other web sites Some web sites
cited on pages of Electricka's web site may name pages at other web sites.
Some links on pages of Electricka's web site may open pages at other web
sites if clicked.
You may find the information content at these web
sites objectionable. You may find information that is incorrect or out of
date. You may perform commercial or other kinds of transactions at these
web sites.
ETAF, DCI, and their agents are not responsible for
the information content you find at these web sites, nor for the
correctness or timeliness of the information they present. Nor are they
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these web sites or for the services or products you may purchase from
recommends that you take appropriate measures to protect yourself and your
computer when you visit any web site
cited on any page at Electricka's web site or when following a link to any
other web site from Electricka's web site.
Sound Internet practice dictates that you should always protect
yourself against errors, fraud, or irresponsible actions on the part of
The Federal Trade Commission's Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA)
requires that Web Sites are to obtain parental consent before collecting,
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In compliance with COPPA, children under 13
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If your children are under the age of
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security due to the accidental or deliberate release of information
other than personal information
By submitting any kind of information for publication at this web site, visitors
automatically acknowledge that they have been informed of and agree to the
following policies of ETAF, DCI, and their agents:
- Visitors remain solely responsible for their own security and the
security of third parties because of nature or content of the information they
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- Parents and visitors agree to hold ETAF, DCI, and their agents exempt from claims
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nature of the claimed damage.
- Visitors are hereby informed that ETAF, DCI, and their agents reserve
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- Visitors who submit information to ETAF, DCI, and their agents are
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- ETAF, DCI, and their agents reserve the right to delete (remove) any
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All rights reserved.
You may reproduce this page for your personal
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Exploring the Arts Foundation |