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across the musesHere Electricka presents features about the arts
that involve more than one of her cohort muses.
about across the muses
In Across the Muses, Electricka presents features about the arts that
involve more than one of her cohort muses. Each Across the Muses feature
explores either: 1) a single art that incorporates or melds two or more
different arts, 2) distinct multiple arts that all share some single aspect
of art, 3) two or more different arts that profit from comparison, or 4) the
arts generally.
As the term is used here, a melded art is an art form that
combines or incorporates two or more separate and distinct arts into a
single new and different kind of art form. Two examples are opera and film.
visit these Across the Muses features now
Electricka invites you to visit these Across the Muses features. To
visit one of the Across the Muses features, click the name of the
feature, below. Or click the name in the To Do
box at the right side of this page:
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