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Works Done, Redone, and overdone

Here, Electricka and her muses explore what can happen when a work of art is revised, reconstructed, or otherwise repeated by a subsequent work of art that is based on the original.

The muses are not addressing what can happen when a given work is performed on successive occasions; rather, they want to understand what can happen when an original work is transformed or revised into another workwhen one becomes two, as it were.

about Works Done, Redone, and overdone

To redo is to do again, to revise, reconstruct, redecorate, remodel, or renovate. In this connection, a redo is an original art work that has been done over and becomes a rework or a new work.

In the arts, redos abound. Where would the art world be without the word bis? Yet redos in the arts are bold and risky undertakings. As a whole, are redos a good idea or just a waste of talent? Why would anyone attempt to rework, repeat, or outdo the work of a master?

Here, Electricka and her cohort muses offer examples of works of art that have been done, redone, and overdone. In each case, they assess how well the redo turned out and ask whether it was wise to attempt it in the first place. You may or may not agree with their findings but you'll may take away some insights you can use.

about redos

Redos are found in all the arts. First there is the original work of art, which may be a work of genius or a second-rater; then there is the redo.



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