Welcome to
Lives in the Arts
Electricka is pleased to present a collection of biographical sketches of men and women,
past or present, who have contributed to or affected the arts in a
memorable way. This collection also contains sketches of former or
current arts-related groups, such as those of cooperating artists, art movements,
associations, institutions, and other organizations.
See biographical sketches now—Visit the
Arts Biographies table of contents
About lives in the arts
Lives in The Arts is a collection of biographies consisting of brief sketches of specific individuals or groups
who have contributed to or
participated in the arts in one or another capacity. Sketches are original works
contributed by visitors to Electricka's web site. Some sketches are contributed
by ETAF Staff.
About the table of contents
You access the biographical sketches contained in this
feature at the page called Arts Biographies. Arts Biographies is an automated table of contents.
Information in the table is organized to assist you to identify the
biographical sketches that are relevant to your interests:
Each entry
in this table consists of a person or group name, relevant dates, type of
group, and
a brief description.
The table is searchable and sortable. It allows you to
easily and quickly find, sort, print, and otherwise arrange
items in the table for analysis.
Each name in the table is a link to Electricka's sketch of
the named person or group. Once you decide on the person(s) or
group(s) you want to investigate, click the word open next to the
person's name in the bio column and a page at Electricka's
web site containing the sketch will open.
—navigation— see lives
in the arts sketches
Publish Your Own lives in the
arts bio now
Electricka invites you to submit a biography of an
arts personality that she can
publish here. To encourage visitors to send an original bio, Electricka
has declared Publish Your Essay a ByLine feature. Electricka invites you to explore the guidelines for Lives
In The Arts now.
- To learn more or to submit your own original Lives In The Arts biography see the guidelines for contributing Lives In
The Arts ByLine Items:
click here.
- For more information about ByLines, visit the
ByLine page at this web site. Click
the ByLine image at the right side of this page, or:
click here.
ETAF Recommends
On this
page, ETAF recommends biographies on individuals or groups that are prominent in the arts.
Look for additional biographical recommendations on other pages at
Electricka's web site.