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more about these forums

The purpose of these forums is to bring together those who value the arts or are affected by them in any way, with the aim of providing a quality, 21st century-era vehicle to make possible the synergistic exchange of arts information.

The goal is to place the WorldWide web at the disposal of the arts, thereby facilitating and promoting interaction and growth among all forum participants. Electricka asks that you participate in these Forums in a manner consistent with this worthwhile goal.

About discussion groups

Electricka's Forums are made up of discussion groups:

  • Each discussion group is dedicated to a particular topic drawn from the arts or from some aspect of Electricka's web site.
  • Each discussion group focuses on a narrow range of specific subjects that are under discussion by a group of visitors to Electricka's web site.
  • Each member of a discussion group is interested in contributing arts information of value to other members; each member is interested in receiving arts information of value from other members.
  • Each discussion is a real-time and near-real-time interactive discussion underway among the participants who are members of the discussion group and who are party to the discussion.
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