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Jigsaw Puzzle (Clown Waving)
—Contributed by ETAF Staff

Solve the puzzle of the waving clown

Try putting Humpty Dumpty back together again...Oops!...we mean put the Waving Clown back together again.

About This puzzle

Recognize this guy? He's the waving clown at the Games And Other Diversions page who invites you to play games and come back back.

Watch out! This puzzle is a little tricky because all the pieces are in motion. Other than that, it's not that hard.

Each time you refresh the page the puzzle pieces jumble into a new arrangement. Solve it again and again.

when you're finished

Take the clown up on his offer. Look for more quizzes and puzzles at Electricka's page called Games And Other Diversions: click here.

Have fun!


To rotate piece hold key "R" and click left mouse button

To turn over piece hold key "T" and click left mouse button


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