Improving & Adding Features
Electricka is searching for ways to make the features at her web site the
very best they can be. For this, she needs your help. Take any one of the actions explained below and you will
have played a big part in helping her help you, other visitors, and the arts generally.
Improve or add a feature now. Visit Electricka's
forum for Improving And Adding Features
electricka's manifesto on
Electricka's views about features are summed up in this
manifesto. She asks you to help her make it a reality; get involved.
manifesto on features
Features are the mainstay of Electricka's web site. She
wants every visitor's involvement with features to be a pleasant and
valuable experience.
Electricka wants her features to:
- Be relevant to the Arts.
- Have integrity and
- Incorporate the opinions, needs, preferences, and desires
of her visitors.
In addition:
- Visitors should have as little trouble as
possible identifying
features that match their interests.
- Accessing pages with features relevant to visitors interests
should be easy and quick.
- A visit to a feature should be pleasant and
Why Get involved?
In the best Ancient Greek tradition, Electricka has chosen to collect and
publish visitor views on features democratically. Accordingly, she has
established a forum at Electricka's Forums called, not surprisingly,
Improving And Adding Features. There you are able to participate in Electricka's discussion group on features.
- Submit ideas and suggestions for features to improve existing features
or or add new ones.
- Read more about how and why to add and improve features.
- See that improving and adding features benefits you, other visitors,
and the arts generally.
- See what it means to improve or add a feature.
- See member suggestions about feature improvements and new features;
offer your own ideas.
- Influence other members or learn from them.
- Interact with Electricka and her muses.
- Take polls and vote for ideas you like.
- Keep up with polling and see results.
- Start ideas you like on their way to becoming new and better features.
- Find announcements and see news about improving or adding features.
get involved now
If you want to get involved and have a hand in shaping the arts, visit
Electricka's Forums and participate in the discussion called Improving And Adding Features.
- Visit the forum called
Improving And Adding Features at Electricka's Forums now:
click here.
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