To get the most fun, pleasure, and help from the Shelf, Electricka
recommends that you read and heed the information you find here.
the Traditional Library
The Shelf is an outgrowth of the traditional library. It takes your
search for Arts-related resources into the electronic world of the
internet and the 21st century. To understand how it works, it helps to
review what traditional libraries do and how they do it.
Electricka's resource shelf as
a library
Electricka's Resource Shelf is the virtual analog of a library.
when to search
Consider using the Shelf whenever you want to know more about something you're exploring at
Electricka's web site or whenever you want to follow up a question that's come to you from out of
the blue—from a book you're reading, a movie
you've seen, school, work, a family member, or any other source.
how to search
Searching for arts resources with the Shelf is simple, natural, and
straightforward. Nevertheless, the more you know about how to use it, the
more resources you'll find and the easier it will be to search.
Here are some comparisons between the Shelf and other electronic research methods
and systems such as
card catalogs, database programs, and online
search systems. These comparisons make help you decide when to employ the
Shelf alone or in combination with other methods and systems for finding arts resources.
Electricka's Guide to
For a handy reference to the Shelf, visit Electricka's Guide To
click here.