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your amazon purchases

When you buy at Amazon through ETAF, you are buying directly from Amazon.

  • Amazon is solely responsible for all aspects and phases of your transaction, from stocking and pricing through order, delivery, and refund.

  • Refunds, problems, and complaints are also between you and Amazon.

  • Sorry, although we care, ETAF is not responsible for and takes no part in any aspect of Amazon order fulfillment or customer satisfaction. If we did, we'd just get in the way.



Stubbornly objective

ETAF is solely responsible for Electricka's recommendations about items you can acquire through the ETAF-Amazon Association. ETAF is:

  • A completely independent decision maker. Our guidance to you is based on our general knowledge of the arts. It may or may not be good advice, but our ideas are our own and we're proud of them.

  • Always on the watch for new ideas. We listen to what our visitors have to say.

  • ETAF is Not influenced by Amazon. We receive no private information or guidance about the arts from Amazon and wouldn't honor it if we did.

  • ETAF is Not a direct participant in Amazon promotions. On occasion some of our ads may alert you to a promotion that Amazon is sponsoring.


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