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About Downloading & viewing

This page explains the fundamental things you need to know to successfully download files from Electricka's web site to your home or laptop computer, eBook reader, or other device and to view and use them once downloaded.

The information supplied here applies to all files. Additional instructions for downloading, viewing, or using files are provided individually for each file, if needed.





about electricka's Download files

Electricka offers several different kinds of files for download. Format and downloading procedures vary according to content, product line, and download source:

  1. No-Cost DownloadsETAF is pleased to offer a selection of no-cost arts-related items you can download from Electricka's web site. Among these items are writing aids, reference works, documents, white papers, slide shows, computer and tablet apps, cell phone apps, etc.
  • View a list of available no-cost items; then download the ones you want: click here.
  1. ETAF Software ProductsElectricka's software products are application programs (apps) for your desktop or laptop computer, tablet, cell phone, eBook reader, or other device that ETAF has specifically developed with Electricka's visitors in mind. Sources and download procedures vary with the product.
  2. ETAF-Amazon Association ItemsETAF has established an affiliation with Amazon, the giant online retailer, called the ETAF-Amazon Association. Amazon is the source of the download and its downloading procedures are the ones that apply.
    • Visit Electricka's page called the ETAF-Amazon Association for information about the Association: click here.

Zipping and Unzipping basics

Electricka compresses downloaded files to reduce file size. Compression for downloading reduces the size of a file and decreases downloading time compared with its uncompressed counterpart.

A file compressed for downloading is called a ZIP file; it is said to be zipped. The process by which a file is compressed is called zipping. Unzipping is the process of reversing the compression and restoring a zipped file to its original condition. If a file is in ZIP format, it will have a name that includes the extension .zip after its name.

If you download a file in ZIP format it will be necessary to unzip it before you can use it. Files are unzipped with the aid of a special-purpose unzip utility program. If you do not already have an unzip utility, you will need to acquire one.

  • For help with obtaining a zip/unzip utility: click here.

Viewing with adobe reader

One type of Electricka file you may want to download is designed to be opened in a viewer program called Adobe Reader©. The Reader's function is to allow you to see the contents of this type of file.

The Adobe Reader program is a no-cost app developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Files created for the Adobe Reader are organized in a format called Portable Data Format. If a file you download at Electricka's web site is in PDF format, it will have a name that includes the extension .pdf after its name.

If you download one of these Electricka files that's organized in PDF format, you will have to have an Adobe Reader installed on your desktop, tablet, cell phone, or other mobile device if you are to open (run) it. If you do not already have an Adobe Reader viewer program on your computer or if you need to update an older version of Adobe Reader, you may need to obtain a new one by downloading it from the Adobe web site.

Files that run with Adobe Reader run on almost any personal, laptop, mobile computer or cell phone. This means that a PDF file you download from Electricka's web site will run on virtually any PC, Apple, or UNIX computer, as well as on many other brands and models of computer. This flexibility can be an asset.

Adobe Reader for your computer can be downloaded directly from Adobe Corporation at no charge. Adobe Corporation produces new versions of Adobe reader frequently. It can pay to download the latest version even if you already have a copy installed.

downloading and viewing with other formats

Electricka's distributes files in a variety of different formats, not just Adobe Reader PDF format. This practice permits owners with different kinds of computers and devices to run a given download item. The principles that apply to PDF files, explained above, apply to these formats as well. Specific differences, if any, are explained for each item to be downloaded.

Having problems downloading, modifying, viewing, saving, printing, or copying pages or files?

Having trouble saving, printing, copying, modifying, or otherwise manipulating pages in your browser or files from Electricka's web site?

files or pages with permissions

If you are having problems with the files or pages you download or view in your browser, the cause of your difficulties may be a so-called permission assigned by the visitor to Electricka's web site who submitted the file or page for publication.

Despite the fact that a permission is normally an authorization to do something, in computereze sometimes a permission is the denial of the right to do something.

A visitor who submitted a file or page for you to see in your browser may have chosen to add one or more "permissions" that will prevent you from doing other things with it. For example, a visitor may have chosen to deny you the right to copy or print the file or page.

On the other hand, a visitor may choose to add one permission but not to add others. For example, you may have the right to print a page or file but not to modify or copy it.

  • Learn more about permissions and their possible affect on your downloads at the section called Policies—Quality Assurance, Accuracy, And Access To Information. Read the section called About Permissions; About Restriction And Protection Of Published Materials: click here.

Other problems with downloading from electricka's pages or files web site

Having other problems downloading, viewing, or manipulating pages in your browser?

  • Please report these kinds of problems to Electricka. Visit the page called About Technical Problems At This Site: click here.

Problems downloading files from other web sites

Electricka's muses often offer you links that bring you to other web sites. If you are having problems downloading files from another web site, please report them to the other web site.


Let Electricka know how you like the items you have downloaded and what you have used them for. She will use your feedback to create new ETAF products and no-cost downloads and to improve exiting ones.





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