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About ByLine Features

Here, Electricka explains the nature of ByLines, introduces you to Electricka's ByLine features, and shows you how to submit a ByLine Piece for publication at her web site.

ByLines—what are they?

What is a byline?

In the publishing world at large, a byline is the place on an original creative published work where a writer receives credit for his contribution. A byline is the traditional means by which an author receives credit for an important, original creative piece of writing that's printed in a newspaper or magazine.

By extension, a byline is the place where the originator claims credit for any kind of aesthetic composition, such as a painter's name signed in the lower right corner of his painting or a composer's signature at the top of a page of sheet music or on the cover page of a musical score.


ByLine features—what are they?

A ByLine feature is any feature at Electricka's web site where Electricka publishes original works created by and submitted by visitors to her web.

To receive ByLine credit, a visitor must submit a work to Electricka that makes an original creative contribution to the arts. The visitor's work must be of interest and value to other visitors to Electricka's web site and to the arts, however large or small.

When you see, read, or hear one of these ByLine works you are looking at an original work of art or an original and creative work about some significant aspect of art. The work may have been created especially with visitors in mind or it may have been created for another purpose before submitting it to Electricka for publication. It may or may not have been published prior to submission to Electricka.


Why does Electricka offer ByLine features?

  • ByLine features provide a vehicle by which visitors can publish their original creative works and share them with other visitors.
  • Artistic creations by Electricka's visitors are contributions to the arts. They deserve to see the light of day.
  • A visitor who makes a submission to a ByLine feature is helping Electricka expand the scope, depth, and content of her web site.

how to spot a byline feature when you see it

As you visit pages at this web site, you will occasionally see an ByLine feature logo such as the one shown below or at the right side of this page. This symbol announces that the feature is a ByLine feature or that it refers to a ByLine feature.


About ByLines

click here


The ByLine image is action-oriented:

  • To visit the page you are now reading from any page at Electricka's web site where the image appears, click the words About ByLines features in the image.
  • To visit the page at Electricka's web site where you can submit your original work to a ByLine feature for publication, click the word ByLine. A ByLine form will open.


list of ByLine features

Currently, each of the following features at Electricka's web site is a ByLine feature. To visit a feature on the list, click its name:

Publish your ByLine item now

Electricka invites you to submit your original creative work now for publication at one of her ByLine features.

NOTE: When you submit an original work for publication, your work is called a ByLine Item. When Electricka publishes your submission, it's called a ByLine Piece.

Publishing your ByLine Item is a simple, 2-step procedure.

  1. Read the guideline for the feature of your choice. It explains everything you need to know to prepare your submission.
  2. Fill out and submit a ByLine Item form. It explains everything you need to know to send your work for publication.

visit a guideline now

Thinking about submitting a ByLine Item? Electricka recommends that you read the guideline for the ByLine feature you're submitting to before you fill out the ByLine Item form.

Each of the following guidelines explains how to prepare and submit a ByLine Item for the ByLine feature it names. To visit the guideline for a feature, click the name of the feature:

skip ahead

Have you already seen the guideline for the arts information feature you want to submit? If you're ready to submit now, you can skip directly to the ByLine Item form and submit your ByLine Item: click here


visit the ByLine Item form now

Already read the guideline for the ByLine feature you want to submit? Ready to fill out a ByLine Item form now?

about arts information Features

ByLine features offer Electricka's visitors a chance to publish original works of art that they have created.

Electricka also offers her visitors a chance to publish objective facts or opinions about the arts. Electricka calls the features at which visitors publish objective facts and opinions Arts Information features.

  • For more information about Arts Information features, visit Electricka's page called About Arts Information Features: click here.





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