To Graphic Symbol of
the Day
Each day The Muse Of Fine Arts presents a new graphic symbol drawn
from any and all walks of life, past or present.
—note— The Muse of fine arts says...
A graphic symbol may be deceptively simple or overtly
complex; it may possess great visual beauty or
ingenious aesthetic design; it may symbolize inspired imagination or profound belief;
it may have the power to make you feel or to move mountains. Value it. |

Today's Graphic Symbol
—about this feature: click here—
About This Feature
A symbol is something used for or regarded as representing
something else; a material object representing or designating something,
often something immaterial. A
graphic symbol is a still image, a design, something you can see with
your eyes that represents something else. It may be an emblem, token, mark,
or sign.
The Muse Of Fine Arts holds the opinion that graphic symbols are
not accidents; they have a reason for being. They mean or express
something that needs to be said; they have a purpose, no matter by what
deliberate act, historical coincidence,
unconscious motivation, or long and winding
road they may have
reached the light of day.
Graphic symbols are one of the most influential and pervasive means of
expression available to mankind. The ones you see here are either submitted
for publication by The Muse's visitors or collected by ETAF Staff from the
vast cultural reservoir of symbols at large.
Publish your own Graphic symbol of the day
Electricka invites you to
submit your own Graphic Symbol Of The Day for publication here.
To find out more about how to submit your work, consult Electricka's Guidelines
For Arts Information Contributors—Graphic
Symbol Of The Day:
click here.
To encourage you to write and submit your own original essay on this
subject, The Muse has declared Symbol of the Week an Arts information feature.
- For more information about this and other Arts
Information Features, visit
the Arts Information page at this web site:
click here.
Symbol of the week
You are now visiting an feature sponsored by The Muse Of Fine Arts called
Graphic Symbol Of The
Another feature called Symbol Of The Week is a related but distinctly different
feature that is sponsored by Electricka. Do not confuse the two features.