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![]() What's New
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Electricka's web Site
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Welcome. This is the place where the Muses announce features that have recently been added to this web site and supply the background on what's going on at Electrocka's web site—the whos, whats, whens, wheres, and whys.
On these pages, the Muses are pleased to present:
Electricka's web site is new; the dust is till settling. So just now, almost everything you see is here new or has been recently added.
Here, you'll see brief descriptions or summaries of new "stuff" everywhere you look. The only things that aren't brand spanking new are the things we're still working on and haven't yet added to this web site because they aren't finished.
Please bear with us. After the dust settles, things will subside to a relatively normal (we hope!)...Aw, heck! What's the use of kidding ourselves; things will never settle down (and if the truth be known, we hope they never will).
Come back here anyway from time to time to discover the newest of the new.
Thanks for your patience!
—tip— finding more new features New and recent features also appear in more complete feature listings that are not limited to current information. Look for new features here:
A modern novel is a fictitious prose narrative (i.e., a concocted story or imaginary account) of considerable length and complexity portraying characters and usually presenting a sequential organization of actions and scenes.
The current body of modern novels is an amazing collection that includes brilliant authors and masterpieces, works exhibiting striking beauty and significance that sparkle with artistic excellence. Compared with many other kinds of important literary works that tell stories—and there are many—modern novels account for an amazing number of the greatest books ever written.
The modern novel literary form has just experienced its two hundredth birthday. Two hundred years may seem like too long a time to call the modern novel modern, but modern is a relative term. Considering how long mankind has been telling stories that are not novels, even at two centuries the modern novel is a relatively recent development.
What, then, are the literary and linguistic traits that make modern novels truly different from all these other ways to tell stories, and special? What are their technical specs: their literary forms, genres, language characteristics, and other properties? What is it about modern novels that makes them especially effective and meritorious? When, where, how, why, and by whom were they originally conceived?
Find out now:
Expository prose writing is ubiquitous; it pervades virtually all aspects of professional and private life and plays a key role in social, personal, business, and scientific affairs. It's a kind of writing that's found in all languages, regardless of nationality. Chances are that you write some forms of expository prose now.
Explore the nature of one of the most important kinds of writing there is. Polish your expository writing skills and deepen your knowledge of exposition generally.
Here, The Muse Of Language Arts explores the nature and process of creative writing.
In this feature, The Muse Of Language Arts explores the nature of creative writing and cites some of the reasons why writers of all types of literature should seek to write creatively. Along the way, The Muse defines and examines the creative writing process itself.
To accomplish this exploration, The Muse identifies and examines some of the creative writing techniques, resources, and methods that writers can call upon to help them become more creative, including inner personal resources they draw on.
The Muse also points out some of the most common misconceptions concerning the true nature of literary creativity, identifies the origins of these misconceptions, and repudiates them.
Ever wonder why filmmaking is considered by people who work in the film industry to be a technical subject? Popular Hollywood- and Bollywood-style motion pictures are so natural and easy to watch, to many laymen moving pictures don't seem to require much technical effort to produce.
Why do films like these seem so easy to make? Because they're not.
The majority of entertainment movies like these actually are very technically demanding. So are most other kinds of films. They may be fun for audiences, but they're a virtual hell for filmmakers.
In the sense used in this feature, film is motion pictures collectively: the motion-picture industry, its productions, and its operations. Film is motion pictures as a genre, an art form, and a field.
Film technology isn't getting simpler; it's getting more complicated. 4-D movies are on the way, 3-D movies in cinemas with seats that rock and special effects like wind, fog, strobe lights and scents that are synchronized with the on-screen action. Surround sound systems with loudspeakers that circle overhead and all the way around are just around the corner.
In this feature, you'll keep abreast with what's going on, what's coming, and how we got here.
With the help of this table, if you know a person's first name or given name in one language, you'll be able to easily and quickly find equivalent names in 20 other languages ranging from English to French to Greek to Polish to Russian.
Use these name equivalents for everything from travel to reading to writing to naming your baby. There are many other uses for the table that you'll no doubt think of.
Because of their excellence and applicability to arts other than film, Electricka and her muses have requested permission from The Muse Of Film to insert some of The Muse's film clips in their own features. Fortunately for us, The Muse Of Film has graciously given them blanket consent to do so.
View film clips used by Electricka's muses: click here.
Electricka is pleased to announce the creation of two blogs about the arts: 1) Electricka's Blogs, and 2) Speculative Fiction.
- Electricka's Blog is all about Electricka
Subjects at Electricka's Blog include Electricka's web site and Electricka's blogs, the arts, new and existing features at Electricka's web site, humor, novelties, things you can do or acquire, and lots more.
- Speculative Fiction is a literary genre that includes the subgenre fantasy and the subgenre science fiction, as well as some horror and occult fiction.
Today, both these subgenres of Speculative Fiction have gained respectability and are popular among readers of both sexes and all ages.
This blog discusses many of the various subgenres of both fantasy and science fiction. It explores stories, books, and authors. It even talks about the fans and conventions that prove the popularity of these genres around the world.
Electricka suggests that first you learn about and explore Electricka's blogs by visiting the page at Electricka's web site called About Electricka's Blogs. Then visit the blogs themselves. Or jump ahead and visit one of these blogs now if you prefer.
the Muse Of Fine Arts is pleased to offer this automated glossary of fine arts terminology. It's a bounty of basic information about the fine arts which it presents in a simple, direct, and clear manner. It contains over 500 important terms drawn from a variety of the fine arts, with definitions that are packed with interesting and informative content.
In their classical definition, the fields of fine art are primarily visual; they include painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, and architecture. Yet today there are more kinds of fine art than every before, many of which mitigate or completely dissolve barriers that in the past restricted the sensory appeal of fine art to the eyes at the expense of the other four senses.
the Muse Of Literature is often asked whether a literary work can belong to more than one genre. To answer this question, the Muse has added to and upgraded the page called Literary Genre Hierarchy Schemes—Example.
the Glossary Of Film is a collection of definitions of terms commonly used by the movie industry. These terms stretch back to the invention of moving pictures and to the inception of movie making for fun and profit. They span well over 100 years and reach from Edison up to the present day.
the primary focus of the words you'll find in this glossary is today's movie industry viewing audience. The linguistic objective is to help the ordinary movie-goer translate current and recent technical, movie-making, production, distribution, and promotion terminology used by the people in the movie industry who create films and bring them to the public. If you've ever wondered about the terms that show up in film credits before a film begins or after it ends, the words in this glossary are for you.
Genre extends to fields of endeavor other than the arts. Genres can be found almost everywhere one turns, wherever there are classes or groups of similar things—hardware stores, parts departments, lumber yards, airplane hangers, and auto showrooms. But genre is an especially important aspect of the creative arts—fine arts, music, film, and literature.
Here, Electricka and her Muses offer a few suggestions, ideas, and some down-to-earth advice to help beginners solve crossword puzzles. Currently, the Guide consists of several sections, with more on the way.
Sections that are now available include the following:
Beginner's guide to Crossword solving—fundamentals
the Muse Of Language Arts presents an introduction to the game of crosswords, American-style.
beginner's guide to crossword solving—how the Game is played
the Muse presents an overview of how to play the game of crosswords, American Style.
An automated table created by the Muse Of Language Arts that contains a list of definitions for the crossword terms used in this feature. The terms in this glossary apply to both crossword solving and crossword construction.
- Visit the Beginner's Guide now: click here.
In the feature How To Approach A Poem, the Muse Of Literature offers a method, a practical example, and a few suggestions for how to get the most from reading or hearing a poem. The feature How To Approach A Poem isn't new; what's new is the example. In the example, the Muse uses the Approach to analyze a poem and shows you how to do it.
the Muse Of Music has greatly expanded the feature called Systems For Cataloging Classical Music. It now offers a list of hundreds of classical music composers, catalogs, catalogers, and catalog identifier codes used by musicians, music lovers, musicologists, critics, connoisseurs, and scholars.
This feature also provides access to other web sites where you can find all sorts of other kinds of information about composers and compositions: works, biographies, musical histories, photos, sound samples, diskographies, sheet music, midi music, etc., as well as information about catalogs, catalogers, musical societies, and classical music in general.
the Muse Of Language Arts has added two new alphabets to the feature called Alphabets, Letters, & Words.
About the Greek Alphabet explores the nature and history of the Greek alphabet and presents a table of Greek Letters. The English Alphabet explores the nature and history of the English alphabet and presents a table of English letters. These tables can be viewed online or downloaded.
Each day Electricka features a personality associated with the arts. Personalities that appear on this page are drawn from all the arts, walks of life, ways of life, and from all the Muses.
the Muse Of Literature offers a few suggestions on how to get the most from reading or hearing a poem.
the Muse Of Music feature called Systems For Cataloging Classical Music has recently been upgraded. Whereas catalogs and composers formerly were listed in static table format, now they are listed in an automated table which allows you to use your computer to do keyword searching, sorting, printing, and other automated functions.
the now-obsolete static version of the table formerly contained about 25 listings; the new automated version now contains over three hundred composer, cataloger, and catalog entries. Links to online catalogs are being added as they become available.
Tops & Flops consists of a collection of lists. There are two kinds of lists in the collection: 1) items that represent the best or the worst in the arts served by Electricka and her muses, and 2) items that represent aspects of these arts that are mediocre or neutral.
Visitors use Tops & Flops lists for almost any imaginable reason: to get ideas for books to read or avoid; to see concerts to hear or miss; to find art to see or buy; to see who or what is in or out, up or down; to sharpen their ideas about what's important in the arts; to learn about museums to see or avoid; to find artists or art movements to explore; and much, much more.
What is interspecies communication?
Interspecies communication is communication that exists or occurs between different animal or plant species, and by extension, communication among animals or plants of the same species. Here, the Muse explores the artistic aspects of this fascinating subject.
Can we talk to the animals?
Can people talk to the animals the way Rex Harrison and Eddie Murphy do in their Doctor Doolittle movies or the way the character of Doctor John Doolittle does in the famous children's books by Hugh Lofting? Can art be communicated between humans and other species? Here, the Muse Of Language Arts offers a demonstration that the answers are yes.
- Explore nonhuman/human verbal and artistic interspecies communication at the page called Can We Talk To the Animals? click here.
Can We Talk To the Animals is a feature of Interspecies Communication In the Arts.
A feature that explores musical themes and pieces that are identified with, adopted by, or adapted by, more than one nation, culture, society, or age. Something about such themes seems to attract people of a variety of different ethnic, religious, or cultural backgrounds. Examples: Bob Dylan's Blowing in the Wind, We Shall Overcome, Amazing Grace, Battle Hymn of the Republic, God Save the Queen, Thoughts Are Free (from the Peasant Rebellion of the Reformation), Paganini's 24th Caprice, themes from Bizet's Carmen, and themes from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, to name a few.
Other examples:
- Visit Shared Musical Treasures now: click here.
the Grammy© Awards, affectionately referred to as Grammys or Grammies, are awarded annually by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences for outstanding achievement in various categories in the commercial recording industry. Grammy's or Grammies are also the names of the statuettes given to recipients of Grammy Awards to recognize their achievements.
the Muse Of Music has added a feature about music theory and the practice of music.
Initially, the Muse's feature on music theory and practice examines these tightly interconnected aspects of this subject. The Muse invites you to explore all of them:
A music notation system is a special kind of system consisting of graphic symbols such as musical notes, directions, and comments, for reading or writing music. With such a system, it is possible for a person to note, record, write, or read music.
- Explore music notation systems: click here.
A musical score is a written record of music that contains musical notes and directions a musician follows when he plays a specific piece of music, that is, when he performs. Most musicians follow a score when they play, practice, or learn to play a piece of music; it shows them what music to play and how to play it; they use it as a guide, crutch, or aid. In effect, a musical score is the music.
- Explore the musical score: click here.
- One of the best ways to understand what scores are all about is to examine a specific score. Explore the score of Waltzing Matilda. See what a genuine musical score looks like. Follow the music and lyrics in the score. Learn a bit of its history: click here.
Music terminology is another very important aspect of music theory and practice. In fact, it's one of the best places to begin an exploration of music theory and practice. As a step toward learning the words employed in music, the Muse invites you to explore the following pages at Electricka's web site:
- Explore music terminology. Visit the Muse Of Music's page called Music Terminology: click here.
- Investigate the Glossary Of Musical Terms: click here.
- Look up musical terms in the Muse's glossary of musical terms. Visit the Muse Of Music's page called Musical Terms: click here.
the Muse Of Music invites you to visit the feature called the Music Instrument Lineup, where the Muse explores specific musical instruments fashioned by the hand of man (or electronic substitutes) and played by who knows what means or methods.
As of now, the Lineup now boasts of explorations of these two instruments, with more to be added later:
the musical Instrument lineup—the theremin
In the Muse Of Music has added another instrument to the feature called the Musical Instrument Lineup—it's the theremin.
there, you will be able to explore the subject of the theremin at length. The feature treats topics such as its sound, history, construction, the bow, construction and its affect on sound, the theremin's role in popular and classical music, and performance techniques. There are links to other web sites where you can see and hear the theremin being played as a solo instrument or in a combo of electronic instruments. You can also take a theremin lesson.
the Muse invites you to explore devices for making music at the feature called the Musical Instrument Lineup. The Musical Instrument Lineup is a feature of the World Of Musical Instruments.
- Visit the feature called the Cello: click here.
- Visit the feature called the Musical Instrument Lineup: click here.
- Welcome To the World Of Musical Instruments: click here.
the musical Instrument lineup—the cello
In the Muse Of Music has added the first instrument to the feature called the Musical Instrument Lineup—it's the cello.
there, you will be able to explore the subject of the cello at length. The feature treats topics such as history, configuration, construction, the bow, construction and its affect on sound, the cello's role in popular and classical music, classical cello ensembles, performance techniques, and legendary cellists. You'll be able to hear virtuoso cellists play their instruments and explore famous cellos. There are plenty of links to other web sites that will expand your cello horizons.
the Muse invites you to explore devices for making music at the feature called the Musical Instrument Lineup. The Musical Instrument Lineup is a feature of the World Of Musical Instruments.
- Visit the feature called the Cello: click here.
- Visit the feature called the Musical Instrument Lineup: click here.
- Welcome To the World Of Musical Instruments: click here.
One of Electricka's visitors has recently published a thesis at Electricka's web site titled, the Persistence of Myth: Mythic Sources and Evolution of the Character of Guinevere in Arthurian Tradition.
You can publish your expository prose publications there, too.
Starting with the 2009 new year, each day Electricka presents a brief reminder about someone or something noteworthy that has happened in the arts. It could be a person who is or was active in the arts, an art movement, a philosophy of art, a place where something happened, an event, a work of art, or an arts-related technique or technology. ...what's past is prologue, wrote Shakespeare in the Tempest. In this feature, Electricka and her muses invite you to revel in both of them!
Writing Right© is ebook software that ETAF© has developed to help you write better prose. With it, you will detect and correct all sorts of writing mistakes you might otherwise miss and at the same time improve your writing style.
Writing Right© is ebook software for your desktop computer, laptop, mobile computer, portable computer, ebook reader, PDA, hand-held portable electronic device or micro-mobile device—any type or brand that supports Adobe Reader©.
Here the Muse Of Mythology explores the pantheon of deities that have appeared in mythologies throughout the ages. The emphasis in this feature is definitely on deities associated with the arts, which are among the richest sources of fantastic creatures. Sources in the arts include: Myth, Legend, Literature, Movies, Fine Arts, and Music.
Deities in this feature are displayed in the form of an automated table, with each row dedicated to a particular deity.
the Muse Of Mythology is pleased to present this comprehensive exploration of a dazzling array of all types of imagined beings, here called fantastic creatures! the arts are among the richest sources of fantastic creatures. Sources of fantastic creatures include myth, legend, literature, movies, fine arts, and music.
See images of fantastic creatures. Stroll through the gallery's halls and marvel at the pictures of creatures hanging from the walls. See images of some of the most fantastic creatures man has imagined.
At the feature called E-Mails To the Editor, visitors can:
Electricka's E-Mails To the Editor feature is implemented as a discussion group at Electricka's Forums. At this discussion you can:
NOTE: Topics are limited to Electricka's web site or to arts topics that are related to Electricka's cohort muses.
Visit Electricka's E-Mails To the Editor column and see how it works. Send Electricka an E-Mail now: click here.
Electricka's Forums is a collection of discussion groups devoted to the arts through which you can exchange ideas, compare notes, ask or answer visitor questions, or ask questions of the Muses.
Some of what you will experience when you visit Electricka's Forums:
—note— about muse talk! and Electricka's forums Electricka currently offers Muse Talk! to visitors who want to talk to other visitors online and in real time. Muse Talk! is a simple, easy to use chat service similar to an instant messaging service. Do not confuse MuseTalk! with the discussion groups at Electricka's Forums.
Visitors are polled about their ideas, opinions, and other issues, with results that are revised instantly and posted on the fly. New polls are offered as the need for them arises in discussion groups.
Gone But Not Forgotten, a feature of the Muse of Music, is underway.
Here, the Muse Of Music celebrates bygone eras of so-called "popular" music dating from the first half of the twentieth century, with the emphasis on music of the Two World Wars and the Big Band Era of the 30s and 40s. We remember the people who created the music and the people who listened to it.
If you're interested in what's new at this web site, you may also be interested in features we expect to add to this web site or in additions or changes to existing features we plan to make.
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